Join Us In Continued Advocacy for Community Action and Learn More About the Maryland Community Action Anti-Poverty Fund
A critical component of MCAP’s mission is to give a unified voice to the interests of MCAP’s Community Action Agencies and the citizens of this state that they serve. As the next legislative session approaches, MCAP will be vigorously pursuing its role as an advocate for legislative efforts that are in keeping with the spirit of Community Action.
For those seeking more information about their current legislators, you can click on the buttons below:
MCAP Legislative Priorities
Ensure A Permanent Source of Funding for the Whole Family Statewide Initiative.
Ensure Continuity of 2-Generation/Whole Family Funding to Support Comprehensive Services for Children and Families. Whole family approaches to moving families toward economic security are being implemented across the state. This holistic approach to serving families (also known as the 2-Generation approach) is helping families develop pathways to achieve their aspirations and goals. The Community Action Network seeks a permanent source of funding to continue the work of moving families out of poverty.
Establish and Implement the Community Action Anti-Poverty Fund
Housing and Community Development
Housing equity is the hallmark of a thriving community. Everyone should have access to safe, affordable housing regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. It is important because housing is a basic human need and a fundamental building block for healthy communities. Housing equity is also essential for promoting social and economic mobility and reducing poverty and inequality. The MCAP network recognizes that partnering to create and implement community-specific strategies for Housing Equity and Community Development is critically important as we face the end of the State’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). The deployment of a program of this scale has had a significant impact on housing stability, which is now in jeopardy as agencies work to prepare households, landlords, and programs to transition to a system where rental assistance is more limited. In addition to the end of ERAP funding, the state is grappling with an inadequate supply of affordable housing and an ever-increasing need to preserve and increase the availability of affordable housing units. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s Statewide Eviction Data Dashboard shows the stark reality that evictions are climbing in Maryland as we face the cliff created by the ending of the State’s ERAP program. To stabilize families an expansion of programs to remove systemic barriers and provide access to resources and opportunities that promote economic mobility is needed with the goal of reaching families “upstream” before they reach eviction. Equitable access to housing is not an isolated need; it is directly related to an individual’s ability to access healthcare, education, food, social capital, and many other determinants of overall well-being. The Community Action Anti-Poverty fund will support housing equity by creating space for CAAs to innovate and be a catalyst for the Social Determinants of Health, focusing on the development of places, people, and community systems. Funding for Agencies will support strategies that include housing and physical revitalization (i.e., preserving, producing, and managing affordable housing units), people-based strategies focused on financial stability and health, and community systems such as economic development and access to resources and opportunities that promote economic mobility.
Lifting Families Out of Poverty
Reducing poverty by encouraging work. MCAP supports legislation that empowers clients to overcome barriers and represent their own interest, helping them increase control of their own lives. We support a permanent extension of the enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) through the Family Preservation Act.