Montgomery County Community Action Agency, Diaper Distribution
We have taken steps in assisting her to rebuild her life by registering her child in a new school and making sure she has all of the home essentials, including furniture and clothing. By staying connected and seeking support at the encouragement of our opportunity coach, she knows she is not alone in this journey and has people she can rely on for understanding, support, and empowerment to keep moving forward.
Team Member Perspective
One of our diaper client families has taken incredibly brave steps to remove herself and her children from an abusive situation. She is actively working towards building a better life. With referrals to our partner programs, she was able to leave an abusive relationship and create a safer and happier environment for herself and her children.
Positive Impacts
We have taken steps in assisting her to rebuild her life by registering her child in a new school and making sure she has all of the home essentials, including furniture and clothing. By staying connected and seeking support at the encouragement of our opportunity coach, she knows she is not alone in this journey and has people she can rely on for understanding, support, and empowerment to keep moving forward.
The Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (DDDRP) Grant represents an innovative partnership between Community Action Agencies, diaper banks, and other key local and regional partners committed to combining diaper distribution and wraparound services to families. The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration for Children and Families at the Department of Health and Human Services launched this pilot in 2022. Montgomery County Community Action Agency is a member agency of MCAP.