Uniting People with Opportunities in the District of Columbia
“I love UPO. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be lost in this world…You’re wonderful.” – Jasmine Buckner, a mother of 5
Jasmine Buckner is a dynamo. But even dynamos need help to focus their energy.
Her children were being nurtured in a UPO’s Early Head Start center when she realized she needed help. She was suicidal, needed a home for her family, and aspired to finally get a high school diploma. UPO’s team helped her address each of her issues, step by step.
As we helped Jasmine, her determination grew and grew. For example, the day after she had her new baby, she called into class from her hospital bed. She said, “Don’t tell me I can’t go to class!” Her teacher explained to Jasmine that she already had a passing grade; then Jasmine got off the phone and returned to feeding her baby.
The funding for Jasmine’s diploma course came from the CARES Act (which was designed to help people during the COVID pandemic).
Jasmine is now a formidable advocate for her family and eagerly developing skills so she can thrive. She is also encouraging others to continue their education.
You can watch her story on YouTube at: bit.ly/3YAaw3E
Discover more about UPO’s impact at www.upo.org