MCAP Mission
MCAP strengthens CAA members’ capacity to provide quality services and opportunities that empower individuals and families to achieve economic security.
Our Vision
All individuals and families are stable, economically secure, and live in safe and thriving communities.
Maryland Community Action Partnership (MCAP) is a nonprofit, multi-regional association. that advocates on behalf of community action agencies (CAAs) and partnering organizations who serve low-income individuals and families in Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. We work to ensure low-income voices are heard at the local, state, and national levels. Our regional reach provides a variety of programs and services that include:

In our role as an association, we provide advocacy, training, an annual conference, offer two generational approach strategies, CAA member benefits and resources to build agency capacity, as well as tools like the Maryland Self-Sufficiency Standard.
Together, MCAP and CAA members revitalize communities and work to break the cycle of poverty.
Our Legislative Agenda
With the support of CAA member agencies, MCAP advocates on behalf of families to ensure that national and state policy supports the evolving challenges low-income people face as they strive for self-sufficiency. MCAP works within the public policy realm to provide information, guidance and assistance to state and federal departments. At the state level, MCAP works closely with the General Assembly, Department of Housing and Community Development, and others. At the national level, MCAP works closely with the National Community Action Foundation to help shape public policy in Washington, D.C.